Ph : Gail Briel

“SHUDDER” OUT ON 27TRH ​September


“I Never Wonder

In some places i have ​inside

Oh Holy Mother

Show me all that is ​Behind”

Lu​cartola live

live at largo venue (PH Achraf Zardahi)


Lucartola is the first music project by ​the Rome-based polystrumentist ​Luca Villari, it all started in 2020 ​when the singer wrote the first ​tracks and began to take them live in ​various open-mics and first main ​shows.

After some time and the formation of ​his live band, The Cold Blooded, in ​2023 came out Garden, the first ​single of the upcoming album.

“It’s been a long Journey, really, but ​i’m so happy and excited to end this ​first artistic cycle”

“The main goal of my ​music is to make my ​emotions flow and let ​others enter in my ​inner world.

When someone cries or ​is hit by emotions ​during my ​performances

it’s the best compliment ​i could get”

Ph Achraf Zardahi


“The Cold Blooded is the band that makes ​everything seem easier, i love them and ​they’re family to me, i couldn’t do it ​without them. The project is a solo project, ​but every time i can play with them, i ​prefer to do that because of our incredible ​chemistry on stage and in studio”

Luca Sacchetti at the drums, Simone ​Palladino at the lead guitar and Damian ​Caraballo Armas at the bass, The Cold ​Blooded play most of Lucartola’s Live ​sessions, they’re a key point of his career ​and collaborate at most of the studio ​recordings.


3-09 Glitch Soundclub

7-09 Giardini di Labico

5-10 Riverside (contest Final)



All The covers are realized by

marco ”cromoformio” Villari



“My latest single and one of the first ever ​written, i waited a lot to have the perfect ​sound, i searched for it and found ​LaCaveStudios in Rome with the right ​instruments to do the job, vintage amps, ​drums and guitars.”

The song’s about an interaction with an a​bsent father figure and how the main c​haracter wants and not to be with him, al​l accompained by a classic indie rock in​strumental and a riff that sustains and giv​es body to the track.


Chandelier’s Fire


Heavenly Heavily

“Probably the most emotionally intense ​single i dropped, happens frequently that i ​burst in tears while rehearsing it, alone or ​with the band, or even live LOL.

Writing about depression is never easy, i ​always fear to be banal or undelicate or.. ​you know, lots of over-thinking.

So i tried to be as simple as possible.”

Delicate sounds, melancholic vibes and a ​really simple music structure to get the ​message as directly as possible.

“One of the few songs totally written in ​fiction, inspired by Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide ​and Jack The Reaper, i just tried to be in ​the shoes of a serial killer with a double ​mind.

It’s almost as the Killer mind tries to calm ​down the normal mind, to soothe it into ​sleep.

I think it’s fascinating to put other’s shoes ​when possible, even the weirder ones, ​mostly them indeed.”

A distorted, creepy and soothing song ​that reminds the first 00's indie rock ​sound.


Hide’s Hand



“The first single is always the first single, i ​mean: even if i notice some things i would ​have changed now, i could never do that, ​cuz it’s already perfect the way it is. ​Maybe with a remastered...”

A song about the importance of letting ​emotions go and to not fear the inner ​world, with almost tribal sounds, almost ​as to call an ancient way of listening to ​ourselves.


Get in touch


Ph : Gail Briel