Ph : Gail Briel
“SHUDDER” OUT ON 27TRH September
“I Never Wonder
In some places i have inside
Oh Holy Mother
Show me all that is Behind”
Lucartola live
live at largo venue (PH Achraf Zardahi)
Lucartola is the first music project by the Rome-based polystrumentist Luca Villari, it all started in 2020 when the singer wrote the first tracks and began to take them live in various open-mics and first main shows.
After some time and the formation of his live band, The Cold Blooded, in 2023 came out Garden, the first single of the upcoming album.
“It’s been a long Journey, really, but i’m so happy and excited to end this first artistic cycle”
“The main goal of my music is to make my emotions flow and let others enter in my inner world.
When someone cries or is hit by emotions during my performances
it’s the best compliment i could get”
Ph Achraf Zardahi
“The Cold Blooded is the band that makes everything seem easier, i love them and they’re family to me, i couldn’t do it without them. The project is a solo project, but every time i can play with them, i prefer to do that because of our incredible chemistry on stage and in studio”
Luca Sacchetti at the drums, Simone Palladino at the lead guitar and Damian Caraballo Armas at the bass, The Cold Blooded play most of Lucartola’s Live sessions, they’re a key point of his career and collaborate at most of the studio recordings.
3-09 Glitch Soundclub
7-09 Giardini di Labico
5-10 Riverside (contest Final)
All The covers are realized by
marco ”cromoformio” Villari
“My latest single and one of the first ever written, i waited a lot to have the perfect sound, i searched for it and found LaCaveStudios in Rome with the right instruments to do the job, vintage amps, drums and guitars.”
The song’s about an interaction with an absent father figure and how the main character wants and not to be with him, all accompained by a classic indie rock instrumental and a riff that sustains and gives body to the track.
Chandelier’s Fire
Heavenly Heavily
“Probably the most emotionally intense single i dropped, happens frequently that i burst in tears while rehearsing it, alone or with the band, or even live LOL.
Writing about depression is never easy, i always fear to be banal or undelicate or.. you know, lots of over-thinking.
So i tried to be as simple as possible.”
Delicate sounds, melancholic vibes and a really simple music structure to get the message as directly as possible.
“One of the few songs totally written in fiction, inspired by Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide and Jack The Reaper, i just tried to be in the shoes of a serial killer with a double mind.
It’s almost as the Killer mind tries to calm down the normal mind, to soothe it into sleep.
I think it’s fascinating to put other’s shoes when possible, even the weirder ones, mostly them indeed.”
A distorted, creepy and soothing song that reminds the first 00's indie rock sound.
Hide’s Hand
“The first single is always the first single, i mean: even if i notice some things i would have changed now, i could never do that, cuz it’s already perfect the way it is. Maybe with a remastered...”
A song about the importance of letting emotions go and to not fear the inner world, with almost tribal sounds, almost as to call an ancient way of listening to ourselves.
Get in touch
Ph : Gail Briel